
Microblading Horror story!!!

I'm all for trying new things but this story is a cautionary tale that somethings aren't worth trying. Microblading seems simple enough but you have to keep in mind that it's a tattoo... ON YOUR FACE!!! After reviewing horror stories online related to microblading I found that botched jobs are common! This poor lady had to go through a procedure to correct a botched job that left her with 4 eyebrows that she said couldn't be covered up with make-up. She even admitted that she lost her boyfriend due to it and had to pay over $1000 USD to correct. The corrective procedure called LI-FT which lightens the pigment used during the tattoo procedure can be expensive and I also found a lot of fake products which claimed to do the same thing but buyers beware. Make sure you're doing your research for any product or service you're not familiar with.  

Have you had a bad experience with a salon service? I've definitely had bad haircuts which made my blood boil however a permanent procedure would send me to jail!  This salon would see me at the door every damn morning for some corrective action.