
Sunday Show Recap: Insecure, GOT and Power

All of my favorites shows are on Sunday. You have Power, Game of Thrones, and Insecure all in the same damn night and it's a beautiful couch potato experience. I finish up everything I need to do before 8 and then grab food and relax. Plus it takes my mind off of what I need to do starting Monday morning.

Highlight of the night for me as with other GOT fans was the infamous battle and the fact that Arya finally made it back to Winterfell after she's been assumed dead for so long. Her reconciliation with her family and her home was brilliant and I cannot wait to see what tricks she has up her sleeve for Littlefinger. Her fight scene with  Brienne was all kinds girl power dope-ness! Especially when Brienne it was visible that Brienne was feeling the pressure and gave little Arya a stiff kick (which btw looked like a men's size 15! I was like damn Gina... look at those feet!) and when it looked as though Arya was defeated by the kick, she hoped up as only Arya can to finish the job.

Another little suggestion the scene gave us may be Arya's next victim. She's definitely going to have drama with Littlefinger, which seemed all types of impressed by Arya's display of swordsmanship. I cannot wait for that fight! Well fight may be too strong of a word because Arya uses her brain and skills learned from the Many Faced God to defeat her opponents. Also notice how Arya mentioned her list and then the brother mentioned that Cersei was on the list of kills Sansa had nothing to say? They've been hinting throughout the entire season that Sansa has some weird admiration for Cersei and my prediction for that story line is that Sansa is going to go Rouge and somehow align herself with Cersei which is why Bran has little to say to her being that he's all knowing now. His interaction with Arya was more engaging then his interaction with Sansa since he's been back. 

Now on to Power. I'm so glad that they finally concluded Fifty Cents role in that series although they did leave his return an option I'm so happy he's done for now. He was really like a cat with his 9 lives on the show. I don't like how they're playing Tariq's character out to be a complete traitor to his family after discovering that all of the adults in his life has some dirt on them he still chooses to side with Kanan's character when he says he's not afraid of him. That will somehow be Kanan's way back into the show now that they're making Tariq all strung out on drugs.  

As for the lawyer Joe Proctor, I hope they keep him on as a long lived character. I like him and his life story adds a bit of unsuspected drama as he now is an accomplice in a murder and his wife is a junkie and he's way over his head but he's definitely handling it well in spite of all the pressure. 

Mike is just becoming too reckless with him trying to kill any and everyone who suspects him. He's going to get caught up soon especially now that all of the DA's are aware that he planted the gun. I'm not feeling Tasha's new found love interest. He was a bit of a shake from the beginning and adding him in as a love interest is just not siting well for me. He definitely would not be able to handle Tasha and I feel they're trying to make her too susceptible to her lust for any man which comes across as a weakness. Which I feel is a conflict in the character because Tasha is far from weak and wouldn't just bed hop if she was really that strong of a woman which her character seems to be. 

Insecure was okay. I wish it were a full hour though. I love Issa and her girls. Again I don't like that they're making her out to be so pressed for sex right now but I guess it's believable. But who the hell goes on Tinder to find a man if you're heterosexual??? That's just not believable to me. I thought it was a horrible choice. Why not just have her hook up with an ex or someone random on her Facebook that she actually knows. Really do women use Tinder to find hook-ups??? Seems a bit desperate and for women it's not normally that hard to find a man who you actually are familiar with to casually hook-up with or is that just me and my circle?
On another note I like Tasha from Insecure. She likes Lawrence but she's not down to take his shit as gospeleither. This reflection of how women can get too invested into the wrong dude is a realistic representation in my opinion but luckily they're not making out to be a dummy who falls for any ole thing either. As for Molly I would love to see her have a boyfriend who matches her hustle. That's the ideal man for her with his life goals. :)