
Who doesn't love free stuff

Nothing taste the same anymore. I don't normally eat breakfast but today I was in the mood for a few french toast sticks from Burger King so I picked up the 3 french toast for $1, just to satisfy the craving and I grabbed an orange juice and I swear the OJ taste like medicine that I was forced to take as a child. Only difference is now I'm paying for the gross mess and it's camouflaged as orange juice. I've never tasted an orange that taste like medicine but for some odd reason people allow themselves to drink that potion of chemicals because the box says it's orange juice. I'm never getting that mess again. I'd rather eat an orange.

Okay... now after my rant about my messed up breakfast I have some good news to share. Tomorrow Saturday July 29th is National Lipstick Day and MAC is giving away FREE LIPSTICK! OMG... let me say it again. MAC is giving away a free lipstick to all who stop by either a counter or a free standing store while supplies last so get there in the morning as soon as Nordstrom's or Macy's opens their doors. The selections is from MAC's basic line of lipsticks but still that's no issue because who couldn't use a matte color nude to add to their arsenal especially if it's FREE! Just in case you're not sure which to choose go for a color that you were debating because of brightness because this is the time to commit. You won't feel that you've wasted money on a whim because it's free and if you're looking for recommendations then my favorite colors that I feel looks great on everyone no matter your skintone are Ruby Woo and Candy Yum Yum. Both of which are super bright but ohhhh soooo cute on and goes with anything. Ruby Woo is a matte red and has been my absolute favorite lipstick for years. Candy Yum Yum is a bright bold pink and it too is a great bold color that transitions well with varying styles. I've had this debate with people often who doubt their ability to wear a bright red lipstick without looking clownish and when they've tried it they loved it.

The picture here is my desk and my make-up bag with Ruby Woo which is always in my bag. Even if I'm not carrying a make-up bag I still carry a bold lipstick and black mascara and liner because you can create a look with eyes and lips no matter what. True story... my sister-inlaw who may read this (heyyy SIS) doubted for about a good year if she could wear Ruby Woo because it was "too bright" to which my reply was always for her to just try it out. It's a matte so it's not as dramatic as you would think and still she would say no. Well about a year later while scrolling through Facebook, I saw a picture of you know who wearing a bright bold red lipstick a immediately I commented with "RUBY WOO" and she replied "YESSS". Only took about a year of convincing though but she loves it and I'm sure if you're one of those girls on the fence about a bright red you'll love it too. It looks excellent with denim and can carry you from the office to happy hour and if applied right you wont even need a lip liner so go for it if you're in doubt tomorrow. Either way hope you all are able to score your free lipstick and make sure you share and post your picture as a reply to this post.