
Secrets of how to shop High/Low!

It's every girls dream to have a wardrobe that SLAYS but some things are easier said than done. Most people think the problem is lack of money but the real problem is that most people don't know how to shop strategically. A reoccurring theme plays out the same for many women who step into your closet, proceed to look around only to concluded that you have absolutely nothing to wear. Your wardrobe shouldn't be one dimensional and should make you feel empowered, sexy, business ready and slay worthy within 5 minutes max.  Your closet should tell many stories and should also be one of a kind built to mirror your multifaceted lifestyles and most importantly your outfits should make you feel fabulous but it's hard to accomplish that task if you don't know what to look for so I've compiled a few rules that wont break the bank. Most importantly if you follow these few rules you'll begin to build your own little style haven that will be sure to outlive any fly by night fashion trend and I'll show you how to accomplish this using what I call the high/low method.

Staple pieces are what you should spend the least amount of your money on while shopping. So what exactly are staple pieces you ask??? Well those are the items that you tend to have more than one of in your wardrobe such as jeans, tank tops, t-shirts and even business pants. Don't misunderstand what I'm saying when I say business pants because I'm not referring to suits because suites vary. I'm only referring to singular staples that can be interchangeable and can be paired with other pieces that can drastically change in appearance based on the pairing. Particularly denim is one that if you search enough, you'll be able to find a few great pair for less then $40 bucks. I do it all the time and I'm constantly looking to add more and more diverse styles of denim to add to my closet because I wear denim a lot. A major bonus for shoppers is that jean manufacturers are constantly trying to introduce subtle changes to their look to keep up with the seasonal trends so denim typically goes on sale rather quickly and that's a huge plus for you. NEVER buy denim at the full price point when shopping. If you find a great pair that you love, save it to your online cart or favorite and wait a few weeks for it to go on sale because it will. Only drawback is that you'll need to be proactive with keeping an eye out because denim sizes go quickly when they hit the sale racks.
Also being that denim styles change subtly and rapidly, if you purchase them while they're on sale you don't feel crazy for buying a pair of denim that is unique such as super wide legged, ripped or high-waist. Plan denim tends to not stand out but a great pair of high-waist wide legged flare jeans can spice up an outfit effortless.

To stand out from the crowd there are a few things you should splurge on and those are unique items such as shoes, textured tops, bags and definitely jackets/coats. A sexy top paired with a staple item can drastically change your look. Also knowing which accessories to pair with the outfit also adds additional appeal to your outfit but the trick is to know what to pair. I strongly believe that it's not needed to break the bank for accessories. Think of accessories as sides to your meal. They're important but the determining factor is the main dish... not the sides so spend wisely on accessories that pair easily with multiple looks. Ear crawlers, eclectic bangles and crystal necklace are a few that really pairs well with everything. One of my favorite sites right now for reasonably priced accessories is BaubleBar but in all honesty you find similar looks with the same quality at a street fair for cheaper. There are always jewelry booths at street fairs especially if you live in the city.  

Notice when I said tops that I specified textured tops when mentioning the splurge items. Basic tops in varying colors are just not splurge worthy. What makes anything splurge worthy is the fact that it's different and textures require more effort and therefore catch the eye more because it's not your norm. Also textured items tend to have a longer trend life and if you select the right one, can be a classic find. I have a studded suede jacket that I brought from Bebe's of all places over 17 years ago and I've passed the jacket down to my daughter after years of sitting in my closet and she's worn it to college and has received countless compliments on it. She said people always stop her when she's wearing that jacket to ask about it and it was a Bebe's find ON SALE many years ago. I contemplated giving it to Goodwill many times along with a few other pieces that I had that were ALL textured and of the ones that I've kept, they all look great and expensive but none were. When I mention textures this also includes certain lace styles. Again textures add versatility and are always a great investment.

The most indulgent worthy item you'll purchase will definitely be shoes and purses. Having shoes that are plain is always a bad decision. You can have on the most basic outfit (such as that striped shirt above with a pair of cut off shorts) but if you have the right pair of shoes on your feet with an awesome clutch, you'll look like the BOSS you are! Shoes need texture too. Have you ever seen these women who spend $500 plus on the most basic Christian Louboutin pumps and the outfit still looks bland? It definitely happens and it's because they are concentrating more on the red on the bottom of the shoe than the actual shoe itself. Now don't misunderstand what I'm saying. Louboutin definitely makes some lust worthy shoes but the basic patent leather ones are definitely NOT the wow factor worthy pair. When shopping for shoes make sure to look for intricacies in texture or the heels and you're golden. This doesn't mean that you'll have to spend a whole lot either but it will definitely be more than the $40 I mentioned for your sale denim but it's worth every cent and shoes (at least the right ones) have a longer trend life as well so you'll be able to get your money's worth if you keep them for years. Also a bonus is that you're feet are less likely to grow so you won't have to worry about no longer fitting into them like you do with clothing.