
Regina Hall's Beauty Tips!

I absolutely love when people share their beauty tips and when Regina Hall revealed that she used Frownies on her face I was immediately amazed. I'm a firm believer in sticking with tried and true products. Frownies have been around for a long time and if you go to Amazon there are mixed reviews but for the most part the reviews which state that they've used the product consistently over years and are older have noticed a difference in their wrinkle lines. You really don't have to splurge and break the bank to preserve your sexy! Products that are simple to use and have been around for ages are the best products on the market. Take Vaseline which in my opinion is the best moisturizer for rough dry skin, which is why I slather a thin layer on at least 2 nights a week. Vaseline has also been the undisputed champ when it comes to moisturizing feet which is the driest skin on the entire body so it's no surprise that it's the cheapest most reliable anti aging serum you can find. Another product that falls into this category is Pond's Cold Cream Cleanser which is the earlier form of oil cleansing for those of who love a good oil cleanser. People tend to have a wide range of misconceptions regarding products that have stood the test of time and tend to gravitate towards the latest products released but we all must keep in mind that these companies make their money off of new launches. They advertise that they're trying to outdo their own or the competitions latest but in actuality the ingredients remain the same and are actually repackaged with a new media marketing campaign. Trust me... I've worked in the beauty industry for over 10 years and you would be amazed at the amount of products on the shelves currently with the same active ingredients under different names and brands. It's a very common practice. Do you honestly believe that new ingredients are discovered to create these products? No... it's all in the branding and new packaging that sells goods and turns profit.

As for Regina's crystal eggs I have to be honest I do own a set of Ben Wa balls which serve the same purpose for toning up your pelvic wall but I was intrigued when she said that she uses crystal. I completely get it because crystals are cleansing and having one cleanse your aura and tighten your pelvic muscles at the same time... GENIUS! I'm not willing to invest in it because I absolutely don't use the Ben Wa balls that I currently own enough for all that but it's still a nice little tip to have stored away. Work Regina Hall... WERK!