The show had mixed reviews though because there were a lot of things over looked or left out of the movie but I feel that all movies based on someones point of view will be biased. Of coarse Ice Cube and Dre are going to make the movie to portray themselves as smart, witty and the most liked characters because it's their movie. Over all I thought that his son did a phenomenal job portraying his father. They look exactly alike and he had all the mannerisms down too. Great job but the portrayal of Easy-E was really good as well. You really got the feeling that Easy was a sincere guy who rode for those he felt was there for him and he was a bit naive about the business aspect and let someone else manage the paperwork which is where a lot of people go wrong when entering any business.
Shady characters are everywhere and that is especially true in the music business. There are a lot of cases where people were taken advantage of. For example Rihanna said her accountant stole 9 million dollars from her and so have others. Billy Joel accused his brother in-law of stealing 30 million from him and even Beyonce accused her father of misappropriating money that belonged to her so deception dealing with money in the music industry has a long history and can hit anyone.
The next show that I had to watch was Power. OMG I love that show and the season finale didn't disappoint at all. The only thing I didn't like about the show was the fact that 50 Cents character

I cannot wait until next weekend for Afro Punk in Brooklyn. I go every year but I'm a little disappointed that they decided to charge for the event where it's usually free of charge. Despite that I will be there taking plenty of video and pictures to share with the blog for you. It's a really cool vibe and a great group of eclectic people overall. The event also has a great group of food trucks and vendors to add to the music which also follows the eclectic theme. The line up for this years event seems to cover many years worth of eccentricism whit Grace Jones and Lenny Kravitz. I'm not sure the kids will know who they are as music artist. Grace Jones is even before my time but Lauren Hill and Kelis is definitely from my era. The kids may not be familiar with them either but I think the younger crowd will enjoy the other artist who seem to be regulars at the event like SZA and Lion Babe.