Poncho's are playing it big this year and is a continuation of last years swing coat which are still very hot for 2015. I myself love the ponchos because they are really coats or sweaters but add a big wow factor. You can choose to keep a poncho on making it your one statement piece or add to it with pins or a belt. Burberry features ponchos a lot and this years they were heavy on the fringe. These two seperate trends actually complement each other well. You should try a poncho with fringe boots but make sure they're suede because texture makes a difference in how they complement each other. The suede booties add the pop when the poncho is without the fringe edges.
Josie Natori- I like this simple poncho with fringe. The textures makes the difference and adds to the look so make sure you're paying attention to texture too when looking for a poncho.
Fringe bags can also add the trendiness to your current wardrobe and if you make it a fringe bag with color ... it's HOT!!!! Fall doesn't have be be bland! When adding color look for deep dark colors like a wine or deep blue for your fall color pop.