Hi... my names Shakira and I'm a shopaholic! LOL... well at times I feel like I am and if you ask my husband I'm sure he lean towards saying YES. To me it's not a problem because I'm not aimlessly shopping on most occasions but rather looking for specific items and jeans is always on the list. I'm constantly on the hunt for a great deal and the perfect complimentary garment but when it comes to jeans I swear finding a good pair of jeans is like finding the perfect mate. It just doesn't exist! You' will always have to make a compromise somewhere. They fit right on the hips but the wash isn't perfect or the wash is perfect but you would prefer them in high waist cut or something similar to that. Does those scenarios sound about right??? I know for me it happens all the time and I settle on a pair that is good enough. and lately I've been feeling this way about finding the perfect pair of denim (destressed boyfriend jeans and the perfect denim shirt) as well as a few other things like a great pair of black comfortable motor cycle boots (that aren't super clunky) and pumps because I swear things aren't made the way they used to be with the same craftsmanship but if you're looking for perfection then you'll be paying an arm and a leg but why??? Perfection is in the eyes of the beholder or in this case the body of the wearer and if you're able to create perfection then wouldn't you pay a little more? Or do you even have to consider paying more???
One of the greatest benefits of the internet is that it makes everything available with a simple search. The world is directly beneath your fingers. You just have to know what you're looking for and enter those key words so why would jean shopping be any different? If you can have someone personally make you a great pair of jeans, would you buy them? I'm seriously considering it now that I've found these custom denim manufacturers who tailors a pair to your specifications. My biggest concern is even though in theory the jeans will be tailored to fit my measurements perfectly, how do I know I'll like them? It may not fit me how I thought they would and then I'm just ass out of a quick $100 or so and that's where I have some hesitation but I'm soooo tempted.

I did a bit of research and found these custom jean suppliers online and if you're interested enough to buy a pair, please share and let me know how you like them. In my search I found this retailer (
madetoorderjeans) who even offers to clone your favorite current pair of denim and I think that's an awesome service because it shouldn't differ much at all from what's in your closet but.. you never know. LOL The Made to Order Jeans site looks like it's not a domestic retailer so I'm a bit suspicious of this one and the Do My Jeans site too. But again... how much can a supplier who specializes in denim mess up a custom pair??? I would think that this would actually less risk because you're providing the measurements and selecting the wash, trim and cut but there is always possibility that you will not be satisfied.
Anyway... here are the links. Happy shopping!
3x1 is crazy expensive!!! That's the first thing I noticed and the retailer doesn't offer sizes which range over a size 32 for their open stock jeans and that's a lot of missing potential customers:
custom jeans